
Showing posts from October, 2022

Magazine Website Mock-Ups

  My website will follow the same house style/theme as the covers and contents pages, i.e. using the same fonts for the masthead and main text in order to create a uniform style recognisable to audiences. It will include a subscription pop button/pop-up, social media links, a contact information button, the option to change languages, and a contents navigation bar with multiple genres such as music and art, as well as pages for photos and interviews, and many other features. This maintains the magazine's theme of passions and hobbies, having stories and interviews with multiple people whose careers are hobbies, or hobbies are careers, etc.  The main page will feature the top stories from the most recent and/or popular interviews and articles with the images being different shapes and sizes, and as you scroll down there will also be stories from all the different genres listed in the navigation bar. I've tried to make the home page modern, simplistic and clean, by having a 4 sto

Magazine Contents Page Mock-Ups

  My magazine contents pages will continue the same trend as my magazine covers in order to create a consistent and recognisable style and brand. I will be using the same colour scheme and background patterns for each cover and respective contents page, so that audiences can easily tell that the two pieces of media are connected. I will also be using the same masthead/logo and the same fonts.  The two contents pages will both have a very similar layout in order to create consistency, such as the main image being on the left, the masthead and edition being on the top right, and the contents being in two columns with a secondary image and an editors note in the same place, etc. There will be slight differences, of course, such as the secondary image shape, the number of pages in each genre heading, and whether there is a coverline to go with the cover star name. 

Magazine Cover Mock-Ups

Both of my magazine covers will follow the same layout, with the main image in a box in the centre with an accompanying background design, as well as the masthead and issue information at the top, and the main coverline at the bottom, etc. Both covers will have a different, distinct, colour-scheme, however, with a different pattern for the background, and different font style for the main coverline. One of my magazine covers may also have a puff, or perhaps a different number of coverlines.  By having a consistent layout and style I can create a unique and distinct brand image that can be recogniseable to audiences at a glance, and so that they can tell that both products are the same brand. I will be using different colours and patterns with every cover, however, as this allows my brand to be unique, and it will prevent all my products looking the same and thus uninteresting. Whilst elements such as the coverlines will use the same fonts, I may have slight variations in their style -